People who often drive mixer trucks can't avoid encountering emergencies. At this time, drivers usually take the way of emergency braking. So old drivers know that when they brake hard, they will step on the clutch brake together, so why?
In an emergency, people will have more misoperations than usual, because in an emergency, people's brain is in a state of overexcitation, and there will be a tendency to tilt in the direction of error in information input, processing and output.
Therefore, when the driver brakes hard, if he directly steps on the brake, the consequences can be imagined if he accidentally steps on the accelerator as the brake. But if he steps on the clutch brake together, even if he accidentally steps on the accelerator, stepping on the clutch has cut off the engine power output, and the engine is already in idle state. At least the vehicle will not rush forward, and there will be no more serious consequences.
At present, no matter the automatic feeding mixer or other models have ABS tire anti lock device. In case of emergency braking, pressing the clutch and brake at the same time can ensure that the ABS system is correctly triggered. The ABS system is mainly composed of wheel speed sensor, brake pressure regulator, electronic control unit and alarm device.

If there is a deviation in the data detected by the wheel speed sensor, it may cause the ABS system to fail to trigger correctly. In case of emergency braking, the speed of engine speed reduction will be much slower than that of the wheel. At this time, the tire sensor cannot send a locking signal at the first time, which will lead to the delay of ABS triggering. Pressing the clutch at the same time in case of emergency braking can cut off the interference of the engine and ensure that the ABS system can intervene in time to work.
It is generally known that pressing the clutch at the same time when braking hard can effectively prevent the engine from stalling. Because the vehicle brakes hard and the speed drops rapidly, the gear does not match the speed at this time, which will easily lead to the engine stalling. If you press the clutch and the gearbox is in neutral, there will be no mismatch between the speed and the gear.
Here, the mixer truck manufacturer reminds you that you must pay attention to safety when driving. Heavy vehicles such as mixer trucks have large inertia, so you need to pay more attention when driving, maintain a safe distance between vehicles, and make a good prediction, etc. For more information, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.zkzsljbc.com , our staff will contact you in time.