我们都知道,各种各样的原因会让我们的小型搅拌车使用受到影响,比如说雷雨季节的到来,那么雷雨季节如何保障小型搅拌车使用安全呢?这个问题操作人员应该来了解 。
As we all know, a variety of reasons will affect the use of our small mixer, such as the arrival of the thunderstorm season, so how to ensure the safety of the use of small mixer during the thunderstorm season? This problem should be understood by operators.
在雨季工作时,重要的是预防工作。 下车前一天,您应该对天气状况有一个详细的了解。 下车前,仔细检查发动机、底盘、轮胎、刹车、雨刷、空调、液压系统、搅拌装置等,排除故障,确保能正常工作。
When working during the rainy season, prevention is important. You should have a detailed understanding of the weather conditions the day before you get off the bus. Before getting off, carefully check the engine, chassis, tires, brakes, wipers, air conditioning, hydraulic system, mixing device, etc. to troubleshoot and ensure that it can work normally.
驾驶室还应配备防雨设备,以备不时之需。 同时要保证水箱内有足够的水,并随车带上减水剂,以利于混凝土的搅拌。 启动车辆前,请确保搅拌车油箱处于停止位置,以防止车辆启动后因压力过大而损坏减速器和液压系统。
The cab should also be equipped with rain protection equipment in case of need. At the same time to ensure that there is enough water in the water tank, and with the car to bring water reducing agent, in order to facilitate the mixing of concrete. Before starting the vehicle, please ensure that the tank of the mixer is in the stop position to prevent the damage of the reducer and hydraulic system due to excessive pressure after starting the vehicle.

雨天驾驶搅拌车时,需要轻踩刹车踏板。 搅拌车驶出积水路面后,可轻踩刹车踏板数次。 这样做的目的是使刹车片与刹车盘摩擦并使附着在其上的水蒸发或干燥 ,使制动效果尽快恢复。
When driving a mixer in the rain, you need to tap the brake pedal. After the agitator pulls out of the waterlogged road, it can lightly step on the brake pedal several times. The purpose of this is to make the brake pad and brake disc friction and adhere to the water evaporation or drying, so that the braking effect as soon as possible to restore.
清洗自上料搅拌车时,注意尝试水和雨后去4S店和汽车美容店清洗车辆,以免沙子、树叶等进入发动机进气系统造成损坏。 发动机、电路、油漆等部件。
When cleaning the mixing truck, pay attention to try to clean the vehicle in 4S shop and car beauty shop after water and rain, so as to avoid damage caused by sand and leaves entering the engine intake system. Engine, circuit, paint, etc.
雨天行驶自上料搅拌车后,检查发动机舱和车底,打开发动机罩检查发动机工作情况,检查水箱散热器上是否有树叶等污垢,是否 轮胎是否损坏,底盘下是否有塑料袋等脏物。 等等。
After driving the mixing truck on rainy days, check the engine compartment and the bottom of the car, open the engine hood to check the engine working condition, check whether there are leaves and other dirt on the radiator of the water tank, whether the tire is damaged, and whether there are plastic bags and other dirt under the chassis. And so on.
自上料搅拌车造成腐蚀。 电路、灯等小部件也可能受到影响,所以雨停后,司机应仔细检查一些容易受雨水影响的部件,如:仪表、操纵杆、万向轴、液压系统等,如有异常现象 一经发现,应及时进行维修保养,以保证下次搅拌车的正常安全运行。
Because of environmental pollution, rain often causes corrosion to self-feeding agitator. Circuit, lights and other small parts may also be affected, so after the rain stops, the driver should carefully check some parts easily affected by rain, such as: instrument, joystick, universal shaft, hydraulic system, such as abnormal phenomenon once found, should be timely maintenance, in order to ensure the normal and safe operation of the next stirring car.
How to ensure the safety of small mixer in thunderstorm season? In short, it is very important to do the relevant preparation and cleaning work after the event. For more information, please refer to www.zkzsljbc.com.