How is the feeding water of the automatic feeding mixer carried out? Many people think that the agitator needs to prepare its own water pipe to pour water into the tank, but it does not need to. Let's make a concrete analysis.
Because the automatic feeding mixer is equipped with a water tank, the operator can fill the tank with water before mixing concrete. The water tank is located directly below the mixing tank, and the water tanks on both sides are connected and arranged relative to each other. The mixing truck is equipped with a large capacity water pump of “self-priming type”, which absorbs water quickly and can fill the water tank in a few minutes.
In addition to the external suction pump, large capacity water tank, youzhong automatic loading agitator also equipped with automatic water injection system. After the tank is filled with water, the driver activates the pump in the cab, and the automatic water injection system will inject the water from the tank into the mixing tank, which will be mixed with other raw materials to mix the concrete.

Prepares the water pipe, so the cumbersome steps such as more effort will be poured water into the high agitation tank mouth is don't need, such as at the beginning of design automatic feeding mixers, these cumbersome steps has been packaged by skipping, another big use automatic filling system is at the end of the daily homework, clean mixing tank clean, prevent concrete solidification tank affects the use of the second day.
Since agitation tank internal cleaning by automatic filling system, mixing tank external includes the entire car body, of course, also have to clean up, therefore, optimal heavy automatic feeding mixer equipped with high pressure water gun, dedicated to cleaning mixer truck body, can quickly to wash away dirt, detachment, mixers a spirit also clean “face”, economic and environmental protection is more convenient.
If you buy or rent a mixing truck, you may as well contact us directly, click on the website www.zkzsljbc.com to consult the price!