As a transport vehicle, self loading mixer must comply with the maintenance and repair regulations of the Ministry of communications. Combined with the actual situation of concrete mixer, maintenance and repair are carried out. In terms of daily maintenance, in addition to the maintenance of the self loading mixer engine and chassis, the following maintenance work must be carried out for the self loading mixer.
1、 Reasonably determine the protection period: the protection period of self loading mixer refers to the distance or time of vehicle protection. In the process of practical application, the owner should refer to the protection period introduced by the automobile manufacturer, contact the technology and application premise of the vehicle itself, and adjust the protection period appropriately. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to protect new cars too frequently when they are used under the premise of superior road conditions, and the protection period specified by the manufacturer can be used as the upper limit. If the vehicle skill is poor or the premise is not good, the protection period should be appropriately shortened.
2、 The full application of free testing: the free inspection campaign from the manufacturer of the loading mixer is often beneficial to the length of the owner. The owner can use these testing activities to carry out specific physical examination on the vehicle, find and eliminate some potential problems in real time, and then save the high maintenance and protection costs that can be presented in the future.

3、 Repair components that collapse as much as possible: many owners of self loading mixers have this feeling, just like the repair of automobile components after collapse will be unstoppable, so the vehicle enters the maintenance period too early. The reason for this scenario is to first understand the assembly skills and quality of the repairman. Therefore, it is better to prevent collision and repair components, apply various types of advanced skills to protect equipment and skills, protect self loading mixer from disassembly, prevent damage to components and parts of self loading mixer, improve protection quality, and reduce total maintenance cost.
In addition to the above knowledge, after conveying concrete through concrete mixing, the interior of the mixing cylinder is usually cleaned with water to prevent hardened concrete from occupying space, and the volume of mixing cylinder is getting smaller and smaller. The reasonable operation and maintenance of the equipment can effectively prevent the good performance of the equipment in the construction process.