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作者:http://www.zkzsljbc.com 时间:2021-01-11

1. 如果自拌混凝土搅拌车的发动机状况良好,且季节温度较低,应尽可能使用粘度较小的机油,以使油路畅通。
1. If the engine of self mixing concrete mixer is in good condition and the seasonal temperature is low, the oil with lower viscosity should be used as far as possible to make the oil path smooth.
2. 自拌混凝土搅拌车在选择机油时应根据发动机的要求进行选择,既没有必要在要求较低的发动机上使用过于高级的机油,也不能将较初级的机油使用在要求较高的发动机上。
2. The selection of engine oil for self mixing concrete mixer should be based on the requirements of the engine. It is not necessary to use too high-grade engine oil on the engine with lower requirements, and it is not necessary to use primary engine oil on the engine with higher requirements.
3. 一些国产的名牌机油品质也是相当不错的,而且价格低于进口同类产品,可以放心使用,没有必要一味的追求进口的机油,也没有必要有心理负担,要知道机油合适最重要。
3. The quality of some domestic famous brand engine oil is also quite good, and the price is lower than that of imported similar products. You can use it with confidence. There is no need to blindly pursue imported engine oil, and there is no need to have psychological burden. It is most important to know that the engine oil is suitable.
4. 在选择自拌混凝土搅拌车机油时应尽量选择多级油,多级油因为节省、寿命长、高效,对发动机有较好的保护作用。基于多级油的特性,在使用的过程中可能会泛起过早发黑、机油压力较普通机油小的现象,均系正常。如果是在高温季节或发念头严重磨损的情况下,选用高粘度的机油则有利于形成油膜,减少发念头的磨损。
4. When choosing the engine oil of self mixing concrete mixer, multi-stage oil should be selected as far as possible. Because of saving, long service life and high efficiency, multi-stage oil has better protection effect on the engine. Based on the characteristics of multi-stage oil, the phenomenon of too early blackening and lower oil pressure may appear in the process of use, which is normal. If it is in the high temperature season or the engine is seriously worn, the selection of high viscosity oil is conducive to the formation of oil film, reduce the engine wear.
The engine is the "heart" of the self mixing concrete mixer, and the engine oil is the "blood" of the mixer. The engine oil is an essential condition to ensure the normal operation of the engine. Different types of engine oil will also determine the working efficiency and service life of the engine. An engine in good condition and high working efficiency can bring more powerful powertrain, which is very important for a mixer It's very important. Therefore, the mixer drivers must be careful when choosing the engine oil, and the proper engine oil can make the engine work with half the effort.
This article is from: automatic feeding mixer. For more information, please click: http://www.zkzsljbc.com We will provide a satisfactory service for your questions, welcome your call!
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